
Your Body is Your Truth

You can  rely on your body to be honest

Whether its regarding your diet, it will only digest, process and store energy from food as it was designed to do.  Your body doesn't take on your logic - "oh this piece of cake won't matter, I've had a bad day and need a treat" - all your body can do is digest and process and if its excess calories for the day, well so be it, the excess energy gets stored!

Whether its regarding your emotions, if you deny acknowledgement of your daily and life stresses - sadness, unfairness, tiredness, depression  -if you think you can just shove emotions aside or push them down into some imaginary box - your body's truth will eventually bubble and  manifest these ignored emotions as an illness or even a breakdown.

Nurture your body, work on your relationship between your mind and body. Take the time to nurture yourself (and that does means your body)  rather than punish it. 

Make conscious and nutritious choices with what you eat.  Eat to nourish  your cells, your blood, your organs rather than simply being lead by your cravings. (Cravings that have come about from eating poorly) We all do know what to eat so take the time to plan and prepare.  And reap the benefits about how you feel about yourself and how well your body functions. Go on you are worth it!