
Sugar - Free Diets

It is impossible to avoid sugar altogether - foods such as fruit, vegetables and dairy products all contain carbohydrates, which the body converts into sugar - however you can focus on minimising ADDED sugars.

You must realise that its not  simply seeing sugar as a listed ingredient but its about understanding that all carbohydrates are converted to sugar by our body for energy.  The issue is that some foods are digested rapidly thus spiking our blood sugar levels quickly which ultimately causes fluctuating bloodsugar levels. This is what causes cravings - cravings for more sugar  so that you  get the  sugar high again but this sets up a viscious circle of highs and lows.

While other foods  particularly those that contain fibre are more slowly digested and have a milder effect on our blood sugar levels. That is our blood sugar levels remain more constant.  NO cravings - you are in control and able to follow sensible regular nutritional eating.

So replace high- sugar foods with satisfying proteins, such as wholegrains, low-fat dairy, nuts and seeds,fish and other seafood, skinless chicken, lean roast beef, peanut butter, hummus and eggs.

When you cut out refined sugar the benefits will include  better concentration, fewer mood swings and yes, even a smaller waistline!