Micronutrient deficiencies and an insufficient intake of essential fatty acids have a significant influence on CRAVINGS.
Did you know... that 90% of people are deficient in at least one.
Many women who experience PMS and perimenopause t...end to have intense sugar and carb cravings. This is a sign of hormonal imbalance often in conjunction to specific nutrient deficiencies.
We crave what our bodies are deficient in:
Adrenal burnout = crave salt = mineral deficiency
Thyroid Support = Sugar, white bread, pasta craving
Cheese craving - omega-3 fatty acid imbalance
Chocolate craving = magnesium deficiency
Did you know... that 90% of people are deficient in at least one.
Many women who experience PMS and perimenopause t...end to have intense sugar and carb cravings. This is a sign of hormonal imbalance often in conjunction to specific nutrient deficiencies.
We crave what our bodies are deficient in:
Adrenal burnout = crave salt = mineral deficiency
Thyroid Support = Sugar, white bread, pasta craving
Cheese craving - omega-3 fatty acid imbalance
Chocolate craving = magnesium deficiency