
How much sugar and salt should I eat daily?

1 teaspoon of sugar is approx 4g.

Read your food labels to see how much sugar is in the product.  If sugar is near the top of the ingredient list its best to choice another brand.  It's recommended that's there's no more than 15g of sugar per 100g in a food product. And no more than 400mg of salt per 100g/

 Extra sugar means extra calories and, without adequate energy expenditure, it means weight gain.

Consuming a lot of sugar calories in the forms of soda, biscuits and cakes pushes out nutritionally rich foods like dairy, fruits and vegetables.

 Maple syrup, honey, cane sugar, corn syrup, cane syrup, brown sugar, brown rice syrup, molasses and turbinado are all names of added sugar.

Too much sugar is also a known cause of tooth decay.

Sugar can create serious disruptions to your energy levels--the high followed by the crash. With better food choices, your energy will even out. Over time, cravings for super sweet products will subside. And on those rare occasions when you do satisfy your sweet tooth, it will be all the more special.

Alternatives to using sugar include products such as agave syrup and stevia - natural products that are derived from plants but satisfy that need for sweetness, sometimes

Salt - less than 2300mg daily

 1 teaspoon of salt is approx 6g
just one teaspoon of table salt has 2,325 milligrams (mg) of sodium

Your body needs some sodium (salt) to function properly because it:
  • Helps maintain the right balance of fluids in your body
  • Helps transmit nerve impulses
  • Influences the contraction and relaxation of muscles
Your kidneys naturally balance the amount of sodium stored in your body for optimal health. When your sodium levels are low, your kidneys essentially hold on to the sodium. When sodium levels are high, your kidneys excrete the excess in urine.

But if for some reason your kidneys can't eliminate enough sodium, the sodium starts to accumulate in your blood. Because sodium attracts and holds water, your blood volume increases. Increased blood volume makes your heart work harder to move more blood through your blood vessels, which increases pressure in your arteries. Such diseases as congestive heart failure, cirrhosis and chronic kidney disease can make it hard for your kidneys to keep sodium levels balanced.

Iodied salt is the best choice for your thyroid health.