
I wonder?

Perhaps its not the indulgence in junk food that is your problem.  Maybe you use this to mask the true issue. .. 
The fact could be that you simpy miss the opportunities to maximise your nutritional intake.

Maybe you are caught in a vicious cycle of over eating  foods with no nutritional value then you decide  will  not eat to compensate for all the calories however  eventually you  get really hungry and so grab the nearest option then the overeating cycle repeats.

Don't hide behind the fact that you ate a whole block of chocolate this week.  Instead look at all the meals where you missed the chance to  maximise its nutritional content.  How many times have you simply made a bit of toast or grabbed the store bought cereal box?....

Let's look at how we can maximise some simple meals without much time preparation

For example eggs on toast for breakfast. 
  • Make the toast- wholegrain, sourdough or rye
  • Top the toast with a sprinkle of flax oil for omega 3 instead of butter
  • Or squash some tin beans/legumes of your choice on top of the toast - chickpeas, kidney bean
  • Add fresh spinach leaves with grated carrot &/or beetroot - dress with some vinegar
  • Grill a whole tomatoe - cut in half and add while the eggs are cooking
Another example - porridge - make from whole oats and never the quick cook ones

  • Add  sunflower seeds, bran, dried cranberries or blueberries, almond slivers or walnuts
  • It adds nutrition and fibre
  • Try your  porridge with soy milk or oat or rice milk for a change.

Now let's look at lunch - most of us have to pre-plan our lunch as its taken to work

If you like your traditional sandwich or wrap - again think about maximising the fibre content of the bread or wrap choice. 
Now an egg sandwich or even a chicken sandwich in truth is not going to fill you up. 
Add salad - bulk out your sandwich and fill your tummy. 
Some suggestions
  • Spinach
  • carrot
  • beetroot
  • avocado
  • tomato - fresh or semi dried
  • bean sprouts
  • cucumber

Finally dinner - yes most of us are tired at the end of the day however honestly does it take long to prepare a variety of vegies for steaming?  Particularly if you take the time when shopping to select a wide variety of vegies -

  • sweet potatoe
  • mushrooms
  • a variety of green ones - bok choy, spinach, cabbage, brocolli, beans
  • corn cobs
  • onions
  • beetroot
  • squash
  • zucchini
  • pumpkin

When planning dinner focus on the vegie choices and less on the meat content.  Think about fish at least  twice a week.  Fish nights are easy - open the frozen fish packet and into the oven - prepare the vegies or salad.  Tra-darr!

So change your thoughts and habits - ask each time you eat - ask have I maximised the nutrition of this meal/snack.  The big surprise will be that you will feel fuller so you can concentrate on other matters of life rather than thinking you are still hungry and could go a small treat like a chocolate!