
Glycemic Index - GI

Is a numerical system that measures how much of a rise in circulating blood sugar a carbohydrate triggers. GI is simply a measure of carbohydrate quality.

 The higher the number the greater the blood sugar response.
    GI of  70 or more is HIGH
    GI   56-69 - MEDIUM
     GI   55 or less - LOW

A knowledge and appreciation of GI will help you to choose the right amount of carbohydrate and the right sort of carbohydrate for your health and wellbeing.

You should aim to eat more low GI foods to keep blood sugar levels stable - this way it is easier to maintain your weight or to perhaps lose weight.  Less blood sugar spikes less cravings! Plus consuming low GI foods is associated with a lower risk of  Type 2 Diabetes and coronary heart disease.