
Quick Exercise Boosters

Through out the day you can take just 1 minute to do -
  • 10 push ups - even simply against your kitchen benches
  • 20 step ups per leg - on your house steps or maybe a  low coffee table
  • a plank - hold as long as you can during a commercial break
  • keep a skipping rope handy and do 50 jumps
  • squats - do 20
  • 10 bridges
Several times through out your day take the opportunity to raise your daily activity level and booster your metabolism with some quick body weight exercise.  Make yourself a priority and nuture your body at every possible opportunity.

Go on do a couple of push ups now!

Not sure you are doing your exercise correctly - why not come along to a Tuesday circuit morning or you can pay for  a personal weights/ exercise technique session with Coach Colleen.