
Quick Exercise Boosters

Through out the day you can take just 1 minute to do -
  • 10 push ups - even simply against your kitchen benches
  • 20 step ups per leg - on your house steps or maybe a  low coffee table
  • a plank - hold as long as you can during a commercial break
  • keep a skipping rope handy and do 50 jumps
  • squats - do 20
  • 10 bridges
Several times through out your day take the opportunity to raise your daily activity level and booster your metabolism with some quick body weight exercise.  Make yourself a priority and nuture your body at every possible opportunity.

Go on do a couple of push ups now!

Not sure you are doing your exercise correctly - why not come along to a Tuesday circuit morning or you can pay for  a personal weights/ exercise technique session with Coach Colleen.


Leafy Greens

Spinach, cabbage, bok choy are incredibly high in nutrient density - make these foods apart of your daily menu.

Use spinach instead of lettuce in your salads or on your salad sandwich.

Add bok choy to eggs on toast or into your smoothies.


Even slight dehydration can cause performance to plummet, as water is lost from the bloodstream.  As your blood volume decreases, your heart has to work harder. 

Dehydration causes your blood volume to drop which in turn lowers your body’s ability to transfer heat and forces your heart to beat faster, making it difficult for your body to meet its aerobic demands.

Drink 225ml to 400ml one to two hours before a run. 

Didn’t plan ahead then drink 115ml to 225ml of fluid 15 to 30mins before you run.

Its’ also been shown that drinking icy cold fluid can help you exercise longer as its lowers body temperature and perceived effort.  So before a hot run, have a slushy made of crushed ice and perhaps your favorite sports drink.  To keep drinks chilled when you run, fill a bottle halfway, freeze it and top it off with fluid before starting.

Drink frequently – drinking smaller amounts at regular intervals can help you to absorb fluid more effectively (and avoid stomach sloshing) Set your watch to beep every 15 minutes as a reminder to consider your thirst.
which in turn lowers your body’s ability to transfer heat and forces
If you want to lose weight, your main goal should be burning calories - high intensity - interval training does exactly that.  
Why not come along to Tuesday's sessions and join in the fat blasting, muscle toning  Circuits and the endurance/fitness strengthing Hill workouts.
These sessions begin at 5:30am sharp.  Check at clubhouse for details.